Posted by: Mira Laitila | September 4, 2009

I feel like dancing!

One of hobbies that I have a great passion for is dancing. Everytime I hear good music I feel like dancing! I started dancing at a dancing school called Step up when I was eleven years old. After my first lesson I was dog-tired. I didn’t realize how many other exercises those lessons included. We did push ups, sit ups etc. And there were lots of techniques and jumping. The course was called show&funky. We had a big show at the end on the period and it went well. After that show I realized I was hooked on dancing.

Nowadays, I still dance once a week. I’d like to dance more, but I don’t have enough time. Bacause I have exams, homework and also another hobby, football, which I play three times a week. But dancing is my thing. I  have tired many different styles like hiphop, modern dance, latin dances, jazz and break dance. The style that fits me best is definitely show dance. I have a great teacher and her routines are fun.

Dancing gives me a lot. It’s such an awesome feeling when you learna new routine, the music is loud  and everybody dances at the same time. Sometimes if I’m stressed or bored and alone at home. I just turn the music on and dance from the bottom of my heart. I recommend dancing to everyone, because it’s good exercise for all parts of your body and also great fun. What else can you wish from a hobby! 🙂

Here is a link to a dancing school I go nowdays:

Helsingin tanssiopisto

Here is a group of superlative dancers in Britains got talent:


  1. I think that the story was great. It was written clearly and there might have been a gist to it. I liked it because you had explaned everything clearly enough. In my opinion you could have added a picture, you did have a link and a video though and they were relevant. I liked the video and the link, because they gave me more information about your hobby. There might have been one mistake: isn’t “Step up” written with a capital U? I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be like that or is it just a mistake, but if it is well you know how to fix it.

    • You’re right about that name Roni, all the letters shoudl be capitalized!

  2. Contents: Excellent
    Media / appearance: Excellent
    Grammar: Excellent
    –> a style SUITS you (fit = the right size)
    –> Anything worth doing is worth doing well – check your spelling!
    –> no comma before BECAUSE

    You are a talented writer in English! Because you have used conjunctions and clear opening sentences in your paragraphs, the structure works extremely well. The expressions are colorful, almost native, and the vocabulary is versatile. You shine like a star, Mira!

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